Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Case of the Missing Shoes

We might have to start with our most recent stories first and then work back in time as they come to us...so anyway, we were at a conference in an unnamed location, and decided to make things interesting with costumes that followed the theme of the site - if you can't figure this one out, well, you might want to stop reading right here. As we put the finishing touches on our costumes, we noticed that one pair of yellow shoes was missing...how in the world? They were all there when we unpacked the boxes just two days prior. After searching in vain, we decided the show must go on, and even though "one of these things was not like the other" if you know what I mean, "one of these things just didn't belong". Three pair of perfect, yellow patent-leather shoes and one....well, see for yourself.

What makes this tale most interesting is that the shoes were 'lifted' by someone from our inner circle who "just really liked them" and who had planned to take them home, but was busted by her roommate who had known of our frantic search. She still doesn't know that WE know, but her secret's not safe with us!

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